Spay/Neuter Transport Services
PLEASE NOTE! As of January 1, 2024, we are suspending registrations for our transport service to the spay/neuter clinics in Panama City and Dothan, AL. But this is very good news because in place of the transport service that we’ve run since 2017, we will soon be opening our own high volume, low-cost spay/neuter clinic in Baker, FL.
We have started an interest list for the Baker Clinic, so you are welcome to submit your request for spay/neuter services there and we will contact you when we are ready to start scheduling appointments. Thank you for your support and understanding!
Saving with Soul coordinates transports to Operation Spay Bay in Panama City and to the Wiregrass Spay/Neuter Alliance in Dothan, AL which provide low-cost spay/neuter services for dogs and cats. The transports run every other week (or so) and fill up quickly. If you have a personal dog or cat you would like to schedule for spay/neuter, please complete the form below. The base cost for dogs less than 50 pounds is around $100; for cats around $60. Additional services will cost more, of course, but the prices are extremely reasonable. All dogs and cats must have a current rabies vaccine; if yours does not, they will do it at the clinic for around $15.
We require full payment in advance to reserve a space. We will provide instructions on how to do that after you complete the request form.
NOTE: the transports leave very early in the morning – between 3:45am and 5am depending on drop-off location. They return in the mid-late afternoon. You must be able to drop off and pick up your pet – we are not able to house your pet before or after the transport.