Fostering a shelter animal means that you take a dog or cat into your home and let it live there with you until a permanent home is found. By fostering a shelter dog or cat, you actually save two lives… the animal you get out of the shelter AND the animal who is still there, but now has more time (due to the kennel you freed up) to find his or her own forever family.
As you can imagine, our foster families are the lifeblood of our Miracle-Making activities. Without fosters, we don’t exist. Saving with Soul typically has more than 100 dogs and cats in the rescue and most of them are in private homes.
Fostering is a pretty amazing way to save lives but it’s not for everyone. Fostering can be emotional. It can be frustrating. It can be heart-breaking. And yes, it can be expensive (think uncrated puppy versus new sofa). But our foster families keep coming back for more (thank God!) so there must be something positive about this whole fostering gig.
Obviously, foster families love animals and have a desire to help save them from euthanasia. And that’s great! But that passion alone may not be enough to ensure that fostering is right for you, right now.
Is it right for you? Let’s find out!