Hosting a FUNdraiser for Saving with Soul

Would you like to help SWS raise much needed FUNds and have a lot of FUN at the same time?

Let’s talk about it! There are so many ways individuals and businesses can help us. Just to name a few…

  • Puppy Petting Party at your place of business or at a corporate retreat;
  • 5k/10k Races naming SWS as beneficiary;
  • Car show naming SWS as beneficiary;
  • Kitten or Puppy yoga at a yoga studio;
  • Kitten Therapy at your place of business;
  • Yappy Hour naming SWS as beneficiary;
  • Personal birthday party asking for donations for SWS;
  • …and… what else?

Let’s get creative and have some FUN together!

Host a FUNdraising Event

Interested in hosting a FINdreaising Event with Saving with Soul? Please respond to the following questions to the best of your ability and we'll get back with you soon with more details and availability. Thank you!
Do you have a specific event already in mind? Or are you able to be flexible? Either way, just let us know!
Describe your idea for a FUNdraiser to benefit SWS.
Check all that apply. We do have minimum requirements for compensation which we will share with you, but for now, just tell us which options you'd like to consider.
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 32