NOTE: At this time we are unable to take in medium/large dogs unless you are willing to foster the dog and make a donation. We are overwhelmed with requests now that the local shelters are not accepting owner surrenders. We’re so sorry!


On a typical day, Saving with Soul receives at least ten inquiries from people asking if we can take their dog (or a dog they found) into our rescue.

Unfortunately, we often have to say “I’m so sorry, but no, we can’t help,” and here’s why. Saving with Soul Pet Rescue is a private rescue and we are not set up to take in dogs on short notice. We just don’t have the resources that the Animal Control facilities have and since we do not euthanize for space, when we are full, we’re full. And, as with most rescues, when a space does open up, we have ten dogs waiting to get in. Need to rehome a cat? Go here.

However, from time to time we are able to take in “private” dogs – that is – dogs who are not in shelters but need to be rehomed.

If you would like to apply to have your dog taken into our rescue, please complete the following application as honestly and completely as you can. The information you provide will be reviewed so we can determine if we are able to help. There are no right or wrong answers; your responses will simply help us fully understand the situation.

NOTE: We do not take in stray animals who have not gone through the legal stray hold period. The best thing to do with an animal you find is to take it to your county shelter – that gives it the best chance at being reunited with its owner. If you apply to surrender your animal to Saving with Soul, you will be required to sign a document stating that you have the legal right to do so.

Click here for our Dog Surrender Application

What Happens Next?

Saving with Soul Pet Rescue will review your application as soon as reasonably possible. Due to the high volume of requests we receive, we are not able to respond to requests where we know we can’t help. If we feel we might be able to help, we will contact you to schedule a time to meet the dog (we do not approve any owner surrender applications prior to meeting the dog). Note that we give priority to dogs in Okaloosa County due to logistical concerns.

Please understand that the process takes time – again, we are not a taxpayer-funded animal control facility, but we do our very best to save as many animals as possible. If your situation is an emergency and you need the dog gone immediately, the only option may be your county shelter. Unfortunately, the local shelters are also completely full, and have been known to turn dogs away even in the event of an emergency.

In general, here is the process:

Step One: Submit the Dog Rehoming Application – NOTE, We will respond via email so please check your email after submission!

Step Two: SWS will review the application. If we think we might be able to help, we will ask you to submit any medical records you have. We require that dogs be up to date on all vaccines, or a donation made to cover the cost of doing so.

Step Three: We will arrange a meeting with you and your dog to evaluate his/her personality, temperament and ability to interact with other dogs. NOTE – We cannot take in dogs who don’t get along with other dogs. These meetings will take place in Baker or Ft. Walton Beach. We cannot travel to you.

Step Four: If everything looks good, we will arrange a time for you to surrender your dog to SWS. Sometimes this can happen the same day as our in-person (in-dog?) evaluation, but most of the time it’s not. Please plan accordingly.

NOTE: At this time we are unable to take in medium/large dogs unless you are willing to foster the dog and make a donation. We are overwhelmed with requests now that the local shelters are not accepting owner surrenders. We’re so sorry!

Please note – for medium and large dogs, our process can take two weeks or more to complete. Smaller dogs are usually easier to place so the process is often faster. We almost never are able to take in a dog the day you contact us asking for help.

Saving with Soul Pet Rescue saves more than 1500 animals a year. If you are able to help us in that mission, donations can be made here: We are also accepting applications for volunteers and foster families.